Spring frolicking

2013-04-13 20.01.09
A precious morning spent with Eva and Shilo, a ritual 3 weeks in the making. A random flyer found buried in my email announced a drama class for K-1 students. We gave it a try and it has reaped so many rewards! Saturday mornings are spent on the IU campus, beginning with a gorgeous walk from Jordan Ave to the theater building. We stroll hand-in-hand-in-hand beside the River Jordan with Spring becoming all around us. Then, we play with Professor Gus and his theater crew…creating, acting, singing.

This morning on our walk back to the car, the girls found an irresistible wide-open grassy place to run in and roll around on and then returned to me all breathless and sun-kissed and happy.

This is ritual to our family. Celebrating the sacredness of beautiful mornings together over and over and over again.

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